Our World is a short documentary created by students at E.C. Drury School for the Deaf expressing just how much their school means to them and why they wish to see it continue and thrive.

The first School for the Deaf was established in Belleville in 1870. The Deaf population grew exponentially over the next several decades. EC Drury was built in 1963 to make room for students who were on a waiting list. Then London established a school in 1974 when ECD was at its capacity. Now, the numbers have dwindled over the years and students are expressing concern as to why. This film is quite special as it encapsulates what ECD means to staff and students. It also focuses on why ECD is so important to everyone connected with the school considering there aren’t that many schools for the Deaf left in Canada.

To be shown with Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Sunday Jan 29, 11:00 am

Both the short film and the feature will be captioned.

Director: Peter Suwala

Producer: Braden Baskerville-Kenopic

Cinematography: Carlos Guiterrez and Calder Nicholson

Interviewees: Karlee, Callum, Asaad, Ms. Van Hees, Archie, Kate, Ivan, Carlo, Ms. McNulty, Mr.
Geldart, Farah, Amos, Zavier, Mr. Bell-Patterson, Braden, Calder

Running time: 2 min 44s